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Sewage: The Latest Assailant on Our Freedoms

It's time to get scared people.

If recent leaks are to be trusted, we may be facing the single greatest threat to our personal sovereignty we have ever seen. The worst part? It's been right under our noses for decades.

More specifically, it's been about 7-9 feet under our noses, beneath a layer of pavement. I'm talking about sewers, the seedy underground that inhabits our regular underground. Sewers, aka city bowels, are designed for one thing, and one thing only: stealing your rain water, at the price of your tax dollars. This is why these things are so terrifying. It would be one thing if they just took our tax dollars, plenty of things do that. But these poop pipes go one step further, taking away our hard earned rain water.

How am I supposed to feed my kids, if the damn government keeps stealing my rain? Where else do they expect us private citizens to acquire such a rare commodity? I tried drinking my own urine for unrelated reasons, but that tastes weird and utterly ruined my kitchen, and New Years.


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