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Worrying: Does Gary not know what birds are?

In a chain of leaked emails between Gary and his campaign manager, Gary hints at the fact that he doesn't know what birds are.

This is very troublesome indeed. For a candidate of his caliber to be this unaware of birds would be a massive obstacle next campaign season. While the claim is just speculation, the evidence is mounting.

"Subject: Just checking


I need a quick confirmation, birds are the ones that hang upside down and eat bugs, right?

Again, just have to be sure.



"Subject: RE: Just checking

I'm afraid not Gary. You're thinking of bats. Birds, on the other hand, are covered in feathers and lay eggs. You can see them flying around outside most of the time.

Hope this helps!"

"Subject: RE: RE: Just checking

Oh, right. They buzz around and eat dead animals, right?"

"No, those are bugs, Gary. Birds are usually a lot bigger than bugs. Look up 'blue jays' or 'cardinals' to get an idea."

"Ohhhhhh. They're baseball teams, I knew that.

Thanks for clearing that up!"


If our fears are true, this could be devastating for Gary's efforts to reel in the ornithology crowd, or zoologists at large. If you want to do your part, please start carrying flash cards of birds in case you run into Gary on the street. That way, you can give him a quick heads up about what birds are!

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