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Kennedy Files Reveal That Gary Johnson is JFK

On October 26th, 2017 the fake president Donald Trump released the Kennedy Files. The files contained a lot of information on the late JFK. Our top researchers spent the following week going over every document, and they found a shocking secret. In a document titled @GaryIt'sMeGary23, we uncovered a shocking secret. Clone 23 is JFK. @GaryIt'sMeGary23 contains written accounts from 23 about his time as JFK.

In his writings, 23 explains how he sent to the past. During a debate, a female reporter made the False claim that weeb causes heart attacks. Upon hearing this slander 23 faked a heart attack. This action opened up a temporal rift, and 23 was plunged into a timeless abyss. For 15 minutes 23 fell through time. Suddenly, 23 woke up on a pt boat in 1943. The commander of the boat was none other than JFK. Suddenly the boat was hit by a Japanese Cruiser. JFK was severely injured in the incident. 23 gallantly pulled JFK to a deserted island. Sadly JFK's wounds were too severe, in his dying breath, he asked Gary to live out his life for him.

Gary Johnson followed out JFK's final request; however, JFK's death weighed heavy on his heart. For decades he kept his secret to himself until he told LBJ. LBJ order the CIA to kill Gary out of spite. This spite ended on that cold November day. LBJ and his CIA goons lied to the world about Oswald's motivation.

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